Monday, April 9, 2007

Still Alive!

I have certainly been neglecting my blog posting lately, but I'm back to let you know that I'm still alive! In fact, I'm great. It has been so warm and sunny here, that I think we had higher temperatures than most of the lower 48 this past weekend. It was in the fifties (still is), and the snow is melting fast.

The weather has inspired people to have cookouts lately. I've been to one each of the past two weekends:

I think the recent highlights of my life have been winning the red lantern for the race series (I came in dead last in TWO of the races this year.) and finding $100 on the sidewalk. I'm still taking ideas on what to do with the money in case you care to weigh in.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their spring.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I've always heard, when finding large sums of cash, you should mail it to you oldest male cousin on your mothers side of the family!!