Monday, August 31, 2009

Hiatus Over

The hiatus is over. I put it off as long as I could, but it's the last day in August, and I'm back! It was good while it lasted, but it's time once again to pick up the camera and document life as I know it.

Let's see, what have we missed? Well, I was hardly home this summer, which is why I took a break from the blog in the first place. It was a time full of field work, deadlines, and somewhere in there I managed to pack up all of my belonging and move into a new place. When I did manage to keep my butt in Fairbanks, it was so smoky from nearby forest fires that I wished that I was still out of town. However, the summer wasn't all work and misery…I did become a Godmother to my new nephew Parker Thomas! What a cute little sweetie he is. Not that I'm biased or anything.

Now I fear it is already autumn here in Fairbanks. There are some yellow leaves on the trees and a crisp feeling in the air. It's time to put away the old flip-flops and stuff my toes into socks and shoes. Sigh.

I already have two trips lined up in the next week or two, so stay tuned for new pictures!

In the meantime, here's a short, gappy pictorial view of my summer:

Wainwright, Alaska

Clearwater River Float

Upper Chena River

One last view of Redoubt

New place!

Prince William Sound


Forest Fires

Ash on the Car that was Falling From the Sky...

Parker's Baptism

Girl Cabin Trip


1 comment:

robin walston said...

Thank you for your return to blogging. Love the pics.