Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beer Scramble 2008

Yes, it was the weekend for Beer Scramble 2008! Some of you may remember Beer Scramble 2007. If you don't, you're probably wondering what in the world a beer scramble is. I know I was.

Every year, my friends Tom and Melissa have people over one Sunday in April for brunch and then a beer scramble. Essentially what happens is that Tom hides beers in their yard, someone yells go, and then we all scramble to find the beer. This year they were buried in the snow, so there were a lot of boots kicking through the powder.

Until someone would yell, "Found one!", at which point we would all stop looking and stare at that person for a few seconds before continuing the search.

I didn't find any, but since Carrie is pregnant, she was nice enough to share hers with me. :)

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