Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Candamar Classic

Well, it was 42 degrees below zero when I woke up Saturday morning. It was the kind of morning where you wake up and think, "What a great day to be cozy, stay inside under a blanket, and read a book." However, the Candamar Classic race was scheduled for 1:00 that afternoon, meaning that there was no book reading to be done. There was a race to attend!

Before I left the house, I decided I wasn't going to actually go out on skiis in temperatures that cold but that I would go a little ways down the race route on foot and take pictures. I figured there would be about five people die hard enough to brave the cold temperatures, but boy was I wrong. About 30 people showed up, ready to go! Good times! It sort of made me wish I had brought my skiis...almost.

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