Sunday, August 12, 2007

Birthdays and Berries!

Today Carrie and I went to pick blueberries!! We didn't find very many, which seems to be an annual tradition for us, but we had a great time chatting it up in the woods.

Carrie gave me a Alaska Berry Picker for my birthday, which is kind of like a bear claw with a container attached to it, so it was only appropriate that we give it a try. We both agreed that it gets a thumbs up! Definitely a time saver over picking by hand.

Yup, speaking of my birthday and berries, all of my best girlfriends surprised me with dinner and a party with a blueberry ice cream cake. They're the best! At work, they made me wear a silly hat, so needless to say, I had a great time gaining a whole year in one day. Thanks to everyone for your best wishes and generous nature.

1 comment:

alaskatav said...

Happy Birthday!!!! You and Carrie should connect with Ellen for a fine day of berry picking - there are always berries to be found if you take the time to go to Delta.