Well, I keep forgetting to take my camera places, so I don't have any pictures to share this time. Actually, I haven't seen my camera in a couple of weeks and should probably look for it, but anyway, happy spring, everybody!! It's 9:15pm here right now and still light outside, which is a BIG change from just a month or two ago. Having the sun out later certainly does make it hard to know when to go to bed. I just don't get tired as easily as when it is dark outside, but don't think I'm complaining about the sun because I definitely am not.
Chris, thanks for the comment about giving the money that I found to the first male cousin on my mom's side of the family. I hadn't heard that one before, but I'm mulling it over. I still haven't spent it if you can believe that. I'm just carrying it around for some unknown reason. I like to think I'm waiting for a good cause, but I think it's just guilt that keeps me from spending it, not that I stole it or anything.
There was another comment on the blog lately. A anonymous comment saying something about my brother-in-law being a hunk... Ryan, any idea who posted that one?? Perhaps, you?
Don't give up on me for more exciting pictures. I have a canoe trip planned in about a week, some field work to do in mid May, and a trip to Juneau right after Momorial Day, so I'll be sure and update soon with some cool shots. Promise!