Thursday, January 25, 2007

Unplanned Road Trip

As I mentioned in my last post, this past Sunday I flew down to Anchorage for the 2007 Alaska Marine Science Symposium. The meeting went well, but before I knew it, my time in Anchorage was almost over, and all I had done was take this picture out of my hotel room window.

Wanting to alleviate the no picture problem, I took a picture of a sign from a shop that I went to that obviously ran the gammut of seasonal gear.

I guess I just didn't have enough time during the conference to be a tourist and take a few pictures, but I had a friend who was driving to Fairbanks from Anchorage by herself, so I decided to postpone my plane ticket and keep her company during the eight hour drive. It was a great day for the trip, and it went rather quickly.

In true Alaskan form, we even saw an igloo along the way. (I think that it was originally supposed to be a hotel, but now it is just a roadside attraction.)

Yup, it was a rather good week!

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