I couldn’t decide on one picture, so I offer several. That’s why you check this thing, right? For the pictures? I’m pretty sure it isn’t for the witty commentary, but if you’re looking to broaden your knowledge base, I may have a little tidbit for you. While looking up at the sky I started wondering what Native Alaskan lore says about the northern lights. I found a few different reports on the internet, all with a similar theme: ancestry. Some say the lights represent the souls of their ancestors, others that they are a bridge for the spirits to use on their way to the heavens, and yet another reports that the lights symbolize torches carried by ancestors who act as guides for people on their way to the after life. Other stories say that the motion of the lights represents the spirits dancing, drumming, and game playing. Whatever the case may be, I think it’s a beautiful idea to reflect on one’s ancestors while enjoying the quiet of the night and the beauty of the lights. Perhaps I’ll try it myself next time.