I spent more time taking pictures of people than skiing, so I didn't finish the course, but everyone else did. Somehow I have become the official photographer, which is fun, but one of these days I'm going to have to put down the camera and finish a race. As I believe I've said before, for every drink you have on the trail, you get minutes subtracted from your time. This is rather hard to manage while you're skiing but Melissa demonstrates here:

It is for this reason that I decided to make a homemade beer helmet so that I could have a beer (or two) and still be able to move on down the trail.
Little did I know that as soon as I sucked on one of the tubes, I would start a siphon essentially turning my beer helmet into a beer bong. Who knew these things could be so complicated? Don't worry though, I quickly learned how to combat the siphoning and make it into a practical, useful $3 item, and I'll have another chance to use it this coming weekend at our last race of the season.
After the race, we had our traditional pot luck with lots of good food and good friends.